It may be easier to first tell you why I DIDN’T choose some other locales for my three and half week solo romp. On the list of exotic/extreme travel locales I know that Viet Nam doesn’t even crack the Top 10. But when deciding where to visit I carefully considered each country’s draws and drawbacks. They are listed in no particular order.
The Kingdom of Bhutan
Draws- Arguably the most isolated country on Earth. Spectacular Himalayan mountains as

Drawbacks- It’s not even that isolated anymore. Some even have satellite TV now! Can’t an indigenous people faithfully maintain their impoverished way of life for the sake of western tourists for once this century?

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (HA!)
Draw- Another one of those hermetically sealed countries. Chicks dig guys who have been to Pyongyang. The Dear Leader’s lavish parties.
Drawback- Unfortunately, a visit has to be with an official tour group. Tour groups are so passé.

Draw- Beautiful beaches, a thriving sex industry, and an incredibly well developed tourism infrastructure.
Drawbacks- You know what they say, “When in Thailand, don’t be fooled by a hot prostitute that is really really hot, but in reality is a small Thai man who has had a sex change.”
Draws- The thrill of being in a war-zone. An absolute MUST if one is to be taken as a serious photojournalist.
Drawbacks- Too many Americans are already there. It’s soo, like, 2003’s destination of choice.

I’ve wanted to go Viet Nam for a while now. When I think about why I want to go the first thing that comes to mind is, “Because it would be tight and because I can afford it.” If forced to give real reasons though, I guess I would say that because of my personal background, Viet Nam holds special interest. As an American, the war and its effects on the country both disturbs and intrigues me. In addition, the Chinese dominated Viet Nam for a thousand years before being expelled. (Unless I ate baguettes and wore a beret I couldn’t be more Viet Nam’s oppressor!)
I leave July 3rd and return to Beijing on July 27th. I’ve contacted some people through couchsurfing already ( so I’m pretty much all set for my accommodationsJ Bon voyage. I’ll try to write again soon.
Hey brother-man, Bad-ass entires recently!!!! Amazing how things come full-circle. Talk to you soon, F
that is a full explanation. If i were to know about this blog earlier, i wouldn't have asked you so many times. Anyway. Thanks for choosing Vietnam, :D
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