Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Dinner with Giants

Our dinner guest at Grandpa’s clubhouse is Jack Parker, Jack Welch’s predecessor at General Electric. Although the scale of business success doesn’t really get much better than heading up a Fortune 10 company, it wasn’t Mr. Parkers business accomplishments that we wanted to hear about. The conversation turned to hunting, as it seemed to do pretty naturally with Grandpa, who almost exclusively hunts fowl. Jack, however, is a big game hunter. You name it, he’s bagged it. The Big 5, as he called it: rhinocerous, water buffalo, lion, elephant and leopard. Pretty much standard trophies, from the way Jack told it. (Sheesh!) I know what some of you may be thinking; I love bloodsports! Well, to be honest, I’m not big on hunting and couldn’t really imagine killing anything either. However, when a guy tells you that in 1958 he was accompanied by one Eskimo and a team of six dogs out on the frozen water above the Arctic circle in Alaska to hunt polar bear, you can only think, “This man is ONE- BADASS-MUTHAFUCKA”. I mean, he probably didn’t even have an iPod to listen to when he had to sit inside that tent for four straight days to weather that blizzard he was in.

We get home from dinner around 9. By the same time the following day, Brian and I will be back home in Alhambra, California.

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